Living by Illusions

Lots of things in life remain undefined, not because they didn't ever
appear to a man but because we are so consumed by everything else that
we never paid attention to them.

Gaining or loosing its all a process of life.
Many times we are surrounded by people who always protect us on matter
what happens and we never ever get to even know that we have all these
people around us who keep us safe from abusers, from over doing
ourselves, from lot many mistakes that we simply commit without even
feelin a thing. Life is all just too common.

But someday that shield of protection starts to weaken and these
people who were there to protect us give away leaving us open and
vulnerable to a mean and selfish crowd of people. At that time we fail
to understand what exactly is happening to our lives.
We are suddenly so insecure so easily hurt and we get to know that we
are being accused by so many people. We are clueless why the world
around us has fallen apart. And slowly we get to know , nothing is
actually wrong with the world or with us. But the people who were
there around us caring for us are not there anymore.
Life is not just common, but its also amazing by every means. And life
is beautiful. We just don't get to see it the way it is. We don't get
to understand so many phenomena around us because we are consumed by
materialism, fame, greed and our desires which have blinded us all. We
are all living lives encompassed by illusions and we fail to look
beyond them.

Sent from my mobile device.

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