What's Forever?

The shine of the Sun,
The light of the Moon,
Or the perspiration drops,
On forehead in summer noon?

The chimes of the bell,
Ringing at a distance,
The prayers to the lord,
Or the Lord himself?

What's forever? What's forever?

The memories of you, whom I miss,
More than a longing kiss,
In my breath, Your lingering scent,
Countless moments together we spent,
A dream of you, I'm trying to chase,
A brightened smile on your face.

What's forever? Whats forever?

Few words spoken straight and true,
Or a lie which you knew.
A piece me wisdom or thought in mind,
Or the selfless love you find?

What's forever? Whats forever?

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  1. nice.....really wts forever ??????

  2. Thanks for reading the poem Jolly. I hope you'll also give your valuable opinion about other poems also :-)
    As for this poem I still have to find the answer.. Whats forever?


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