All be left

Some hearts true, some hearts broken,
Some tears shed, feelings unspoken,
A day of dream, a night love made,
Some smiles true, some smiles faked.
A moment of hope, a year of wait,
A day early, a date too late,
Too much to say, and few words,
A healing heart, it still hurts..
A feeling to nurture, still going further,
Where'll it end? Where did it began?
A road beneath our feet,
A sky above our head,
A lonely tune playing on radio,
Few memories, need to forget,
So today, or tomorrow,
It'll all be here, and alone all be left.

Nothing else to give you more

Nothing else to give you more,
After my love and my life,
After my care to share with you,
What else are you thinking of?
After my attention and affection,
After my company to you life long,
No other feelings ever been so strong,
What else are you thinking of?
After my body and my soul,
Now for you playing this role,
Being what you want me to be,
Have faith and you will see.
What else are you thinking of?
I have nothing greater to give you more.